What Does a Headache Feel Like?
If your head or upper neck hurts, you have a headache. Stress, worry, being tired, dehydrated, hungry, not getting enough sleep, taking too many medications, drinking too much alcohol or caffeine, smoking, sinus infections, head injuries, and some medical conditions can all lead to it.
Everyone gets headaches sometimes, no matter what age. They are the third most common reason people visit the US doctor.
Headache Signs and Types
Headaches come in many different types, and each has its signs. These types of headaches happen most often:
Tension headaches: Most people who get headaches get tension headaches. People often say that they hurt like a band wrapped around their heads and are dull and painful. Stress, worry, or exhaustion can lead to tension headaches.
Stress headaches: Stress headaches happen more often than migraines, but migraines are worse. A burning pain on one side of the head is what most people describe them as. People who get migraines may feel sick, throw up, and be sensitive to light and sound.
Cluster headaches are a strange kind of headache that guys get more often than women. They usually cause sharp, severe pain on one side of the head. Having more than one headache in a short amount of time is familiar with cluster headaches.
Pressure headaches in the sinuses: These are caused by swollen sinuses. Most of the time, they hurt in the forehead, face, and around the eyes. If you have sinus headaches, it could be because of allergies, a cold, or an infection.
Thunderclap headaches: These are pretty bad headaches that start quickly and worsen in just a few minutes. People often say they give them the worst headaches of their lives. Brain tumors, blood clots, and strokes are just a few of the things that can cause thunderclap headaches.
Stress headaches: Changes in hormone levels can cause stress headaches. They happen most often to women and can be brought on by periods, pregnancy, or menopause.
The history and physical check of the patient are usually enough to tell if they have headaches. There are times when more tests, like a CT scan or MRI, are needed to rule out other possible headache reasons.
How headaches are treated varies on what kind of headache it is and how bad it is. To cure headaches, you can get a lot of different over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Other methods, like biofeedback or relaxation techniques, may be better sometimes.
If you have headaches, you should see a doctor to determine what’s causing them and how to treat them best.
Here are some ways to keep headaches away:
Sleep enough.
Eat meals at set times.
Don’t lose water.
Deal with stress.
Stay away from caffeine and liquor.
Give up smoking.
Regularly work out.
You should see a doctor if you get headaches often or really hurt.